Kapalama Loop is located behind Kamehameha Schools main campus in Kalihi and it is NOT 5 miles! By the time we finished the hike the LOOP part ended up being 6.52 miles with a little over a half mile added with the elevation changes.
Surprisingly, this hike was my most favorite that I've been on so far, which is funny because I prefer the Waterfall hikes the most cuz they are usually cooler and have a neat destination at the end.
This one was interesting. Plus Scotty made me a yummy breakfast sandwich AND brought a Lunch so I was much happier and had lots more energy.
We seemed to have navigated between almost every terrain that Hawaii has to offer....
"Regular" forrest that is more like what I'm used to in the mainland.
"Jungle" or "Rain Forrest" - my favorite.... even though I don't like all the bugs and how humid it can be. Plus the idea of all the "animals" living in the underbrush. At least there are no snakes!
I love how lush and green everything with vines everywhere. So different from anywhere else I've ever lived.

The there is the "DRY" Hawaiian desert-y forrest....
All the dead pine needles blanket the forrest floor and it's a little tricky to walk on as they can be super slippery. It really reminded me of playing in the woods at my Grandma's house.

There was the ridge- where you got to see the beautiful views....
There even was a little rock climbing involved too...
At the top as we began our descent, the trail was perfectly "paved" with grass..which was nice on the footsies....
We even got to see some of the beautiful plants and flowers that ONLY Hawaii has to offer...
All in all it was a great workout!
No falling down this time!!!